Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres (1976) aka Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures

"The Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures (original title: Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres) is a 1976 Brazilian film by Brazilian horror director José Mojica Marins. Marins is also known by his alter ego Zé do Caixão (in English, Coffin Joe). The film features Coffin Joe as the main character, although it is not part of the "Coffin Joe trilogy" (At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, This Night I Will Possess Your Corpse, and Embodiment of Evil).The film was written by Marins and the bulk of the film directed by Marcelo Motta as a favor to the busy Marins, although Marins maintained control over certain scenes. The film was produced on a low budget and is filmed in that style, which at that time in Brazilian cinema was known as Boca do Lixo, or "Mouth of Garbage" Cinema. The film features simple yet gruesome visual and audio effects. The audio track consists of bizarre stock sound clips, surreal noises, screams and vocal utterances. Scenes of death are presented in grim tableaux of trauma, mutilation, and open-eyed corpses. When characters are shot in the head, fireworks fly from their wounds and pastel blood splashes the camera lens." - from Wikipedia"A very chilling movie, which starts with a crazy and surrealist dance, where naked women dance all over, and old men scream towards the sky. Then a coffin has dragged open, and a man (Coffin Joe?) is broad back to life. Then the story goes to an eerie hostel, where all kinds of men come in one stormy night. Coffin Joe tells the visitors some very strange stuff like "All thats nothing will be everything" (???!). The moody story ends up in a knockdown-ending, but the story still continues veery eerie for its last a couple of minutes. Lots of violence, and corny nudity, its normaly regarded as pure exploitation trash. But if you look it, in another way, its a masterpiece of eerie horror-movies. *** out of ****, or *½ out of ****. You see it, then decide." - IMDB user comment from Zarathos-5
4.4/10 51 votes
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Hard subbed in English

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